Workflow Status Screen
The Workflow Status section of the expense authorization form displays all the tasks that are required or optional for the expense authorization. These include tasks for approving or rejecting the expense authorization if you are authorized to do so, and adding required attachments, such as trip authorizations.
The status of each task is also indicated. Advance tasks are also completed from the Workflow Status screen.
Certain tasks, such approving or rejecting an expense authorization or attaching supporting documents, such as an airfare quote, hotel room confirmation, or trip authorization form, do not display until the expense authorization has been submitted, and if required, signed.
To complete a required or optional task, click the icon that displays for that task in the Action column.
Task Tables
Tasks related to the expense authorization display in the Expense Authorization Tasks table, and tasks related to advances display in the Advances Tasks table. Fields for these tables are identical and described in further detail below.